

Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All

Daaammn. They are like fucking crazy, skateboarding HipHopper.

!!!     --> WEBSITE <--     !!! 

On the blog of one of their (ex-)members, Earl, I found this amazing piece of video:
(best part comes after 2:00)

Peace, Mothafucka ;D


Gotcha: Get Your Heart On!

Simple Plan are BACK !!

Nine years after No Pads, No Helmets ... Just Balls they released their fourth album and it's still 'simple planish' through and through.

I'm starting this paragraph for the third time now. I don't really know what to write about Simple Plan, because there is just too much that comes to mind thinking about them. Maybe because it was the first band I became a 'fan' of when I started listening to music besides the radio and watching MTV. Maybe because they just blew me off when I first saw/heard them in connection with the Olsen-Movie New York Minute. Or maybe because they are just fun, again and again and again.

Sometimes I think I just like them out of routine or for some nostalgic feelings (Simple Plan are the only ones who were their all the time since I started my record collection). But then I turn their music on and in the next moment I find myself jumping through the room, dancing and pretending to be a rockstar. I guess there will never be songs that get me like Perfect, Welcome To My Life or I'd Do Anything again, but Jet Lag, Astronaut and This Song Saved My Life (the choir at the end is amazing) are still quiet close. So probably I'm the wrong person to review this album (or any other 'thing' made by Simple Plan), because I'm prejudiced. For me Simple Plan are out of comparison, like they are the only band in such a certain genre, that there is no other. Not because they are the best band in the world or because they make very high-quality music (they are just no experimental band, so what??) - just because they are the origin of my musical taste and memory and I always feel good when I listen to them. They have a special position - in my heart and on my CD board.

I think I'll cut this whole thing here before it sounds too stupid (well, I guess it's already too late) or I'm getting still more sentimental (is this even possible?)

Just one more thought:

I think there is a huge topical similarity between Astronaut (GYHO) and I'm Just A Kid (NPNH...JB) and between Anywhere But Here (GYHO) and  Jump (SNGA).

Check it out!


Edit: I also love the design of the cover and the booklet :)


Gotcha: Wild For Adventure


Gepriesen sei der Musikexpress! Ohne ihn wäre ich nie auf dieses herrliche Album von Chuckamuck gekommen. Was mir daran so gut gefällt, weiß ich noch nicht genau. Die Texte sind gut, authentisch, ohne Vorlage jedoch kaum zu verstehen. Der Sänger klingt heiser und  die Instrumente irgendwie verstimmt. Chuckamuck klingt nach einer durchgemachten Partynacht - verbraucht und erfrischend gleichzeitig. Die Lieder sind kurz und knapp, auf den Punkt gebracht, ohne unnötigen Schnickschnack. Und das Album ist organisch, es lebt und ist nicht einfach mal harmonisch zusammengemixt wurden. Aber das beste an  "Wild For Adventure" ist wahrscheinlich einfach die 'ach-scheiß-doch-drauf-Attitüde', die ausnahmsweise mal nicht aufgesetzt oder nach rebellierenden Muttersöhnchen klingt. 

Einen mordsmegamonsterfetten Bonuspunkt bekommen Chuckamuck von mir für ihr Booklet, genauer gesagt dessen Vorderseite. Seht ihr den Typen im unteren Bild? Malt noch lange Haare dran und ihr seht mir beim Auspacken einer jeden CD zu.

Peace & Gut's Nächtle!  :D